Category: Auto Pilot
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Driver-less Car Chased Down
Chrissy Amaro
Oct 04, 2019
#Humor #Cool #Weird #Cars #USA #Good #Car #Tesla #Parking #Smart #Lot #Chase #Chasing #ViralHog #Chased #Chases #Samaritan #Autopilot #2019 #Summons #Auto-pilot
Sleeping Autopilot Prank
Taylor Brodsky
Jun 11, 2019
#Humor #Pranks #Cars #California #USA #Pilot #Car #Driving #Drives #Prank #Funny #Humour #Drive #Sleep #Sleeping #Auto #Sleeps #ViralHog #Scare #Scares #Guys #Pranked #Snooze #Snoozing #Autopilot #Snoozes #2019
Tesla Driver Saves the Day
Jonathan Hall
Jul 28, 2017
#Fail #Cool #Dashcam #Near Miss #Cars #Featured #Driver #Trending #Tesla #Freeway #ViralHog #2017 #Night #Uber #Avoided #NSFW – Language #Auto Pilot #Tesla's Human Saves The Day #Tesla Driver Saves The Day
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